Acupuncture can work on the nerves. It can directly reduce the pain by acting on the nervous pain pathway and also indirectly reduce the tension on the muscles through the nerve reflex.
Cupping methods include dry and wet cupping. Dry cupping is a type of vacuum massage. It helps to draw up blood from the deeper tissues thereby promoting blood circulation. Wet cupping method involves the use of a needle to make tiny holes on the skin and then the blood is sucked out through the vacuum cup. The quantity of blood sucked out is directly related to the status of the tissues as bad or unhealthy tissues release more blood because the pressure inside is higher than in normal tissues.
Acu-point Massage is a special Chinese technique done by specially trained medical personnel who have been trained to identify special points on the human body called acupuncture-points or trigger points in some countries. It helps to release tension from the muscle and fascia and balance the alignment of the spine.
Moxibustion involves the burning of a special type of herb called MOXA to generate heat. The essence oil in MOXA penetrates the skin through the heat. This oil can help facilitate healing and also improve blood circulation which is a critical requirement for regeneration and healing.
Acutomo helps to release the tension in the myofascial structures by directly cutting through the abnormal fascia which is tight and thick. The knife is so small that it looks like a needle with a 0.4mm blade at the tip of the needle. This ensures that there is little or no pain or bleeding.
Chiropractic originates from America and involves the technical manipulation of the bony structures of the spine which helps to correct any malalignment. The Chiropractor can detect any abnormality through palpation and x-ray. Corrections are made through manual manipulation and is usually accompanied by a ‘cracking’ sound when the bones realign; This is neither painful nor dangerous. There is usually an immediate relief from symptoms. Our Chiropractor was trained and worked in the US for over 20 years. It is safe, effective and comfortable.
In summary, the above stated therapies help in two major ways. First is to improve blood circulation in order to provide a better healing foundation and then secondly is to balance the imbalanced mechanical forces on both sides of the spine. This reduces the pressure on the disc and the nerves, thus preserving the disc for a much longer period of time and ultimately avoiding surgery.
It is important to state that if you have a severe case, we will study your MRI carefully and refer you to the best surgeon if we determine that it is the best management option for us.
Surgery is however not a permanent solution so we recommend a monthly maintenance treatment with our natural therapy to prevent a recurrence.
Our therapy can also benefit patients who have a recurrence after surgery and are not fit to do another surgery.
Apart from therapies, our doctors will also educate you on the proper sitting, lying and writing postures and timing. We also provide spine support cushion for your office chairs.
The most important point for spondylosis is to not wait for it to get worse. Earlier detection and prompt treatment saves cost and ensures better outcomes. Another important point is that after recovery, maintain your good condition with monthly maintenance treatment. This is extremely important.
This is a general term for age-related wear and tear of the spinal discs. Spondylosis is very common (more than 1.5million cases per year in Nigeria) and worsens with age. This condition is used to describe degenerative arthritis of the spine. A lot of people affected are usually above 40 years,however the age of onset can be as low as 18years or among the school age group. The commonest points affected are the cervical spine of the neck and the lumbar spine of the lower back.
Patients usually complain of pain, a feeling of being uncomfortable, muscle spasms, tingling sensation and weakness or paralysis in severe conditions.
How can we help?
Usually, mainstream orthodox medicine has little or no treatment options for spondylosis until it’s complicated, requiring surgery.
We offer treatment for spondylosis at the early and middle stages of the development of the disease by providing patients with non-surgical options of treatment. This is aimed at reversing the changes so that patients ultimately do not require surgery.
Our therapies include Chinese Acupuncture, Cupping, Acu-point Massage, Moxibustion, Acutomo, oral herbs, herbal oils, herbal plater patches and American Chiropractic.
Apart from therapies, a more important thing is education on how to use our body (sitting, lying, writing posture and timing), and the exercises that are beneficial or harmful to the spine.