Acupuncture is the oldest natural medicine in the world and it still is been using widely all over the world today. Acupuncture may go back to 3,000 to 5,000 years ago in China.
Acupuncture is very popular in the modern world because it is very effective, natural!
Many acute on chronic patients experienced immediate and long lasting results by treating with Acupuncture, many patients think acupuncture treatment is Mericle!
Acupuncture is the oldest natural medicine in the world and it still is been using widely all over the world today. Acupuncture may go back to 3,000 to 5,000 years ago in China.
Acupuncture is very popular in the modern world because it is very effective, natural!
Many acute on chronic patients experienced immediate and long lasting results by treating with Acupuncture, many patients think acupuncture treatment is Mericle!
Headache, migraine, TMJ, fibromyalgia, arthritis, osteoarthritis, joint pain and swell, muscle cramp and stiff, bone spur, sports injuries, sprains, strains, tendinitis, bursitis, neck pain and stiffness, whiplash, back pain, shoulder pain, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, trigger finger, disc hernia, low back pain, hip pain ,sciatica, knee pain, ankle pain, foot pain, foot numbness, osteoporosis, shingles, Bell’s palsy.
Systematic disorders:
Nervous system: post stroke syndrome, Parkinson’s, trimmer, neuropathy, numbness, memory loss
Immune system: lupus, M.S., rheumatoid arthritis, allergies, immune deficiency, Raynaud’s Phenomenon, chronic infections
Endocrine and metabolism: hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, diabetes, obesity
Internal diseases: allergies, asthma, sinusitis, rhinitis, bronchitis, chronic cough, pneumonia, irregular heart beat, high blood pressure, low blood pressure, acid reflux, ulcer, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s disease, diarrhea, constipation, colitis, hepatitis, recurrent urinary tract infection, chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic infections
Female and Male: acupuncture for fertility, infertility, PMS, irregular menstruation period, menstrual cramp, menopause syndrome, ovarian cyst, endometriosis, enlarge prostate, low sperm counts and motility.
Mental and addiction: depression, anxiety, stress, anger, fear, mood swings, bi-polar, panic attack, ADHD, autism, insomnia, drug addiction, alcoholic addition, smoking addiction, chemical dependency
Skin: acne, eczema, herpes, rashes, psoriasis,
Children: asthma, allergy, strep throat, acute and chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis, indigestion, Autism, ADHD,
Face lift: saggy skin, wrinkles, poor complexion Acupuncture is a method of encouraging the body to promote natural healing and to improve functioning. This is done by inserting needles and applying heat or electrical stimulation at very precise acupuncture points.
The classical Chinese explanation is that channels of energy run in regular patterns through the body and over its surface. These energy channels, called meridians, are like rivers flowing through the body to irrigate and nourish the tissues. An obstruction in the movement of these energy rivers is like a dam that backs up in others.
The meridians can be influenced by needling the acupuncture points; the acupuncture needles unblock the obstructions at the dams, and reestablish the regular flow through the meridians. Acupuncture treatments can therefore help the body’s internal organs to correct imbalances in their digestion, absorption, and energy production activities, and in the circulation of their energy through the meridians.
The modern scientific explanation is that needling the acupuncture points stimulates the nervous system to release chemicals in the muscles, spinal cord, and brain. These chemicals will either change the experience of pain, or they will trigger the release of other chemicals and hormones which influence the body’s own internal regulating system.
The improved energy and biochemical balance produced by acupuncture results in stimulating the body’s natural healing abilities, and in promoting physical and emotional well-being.
Therapeutic massage is massage which is offered with the goal of obtaining a therapeutic benefit. It differs from relaxation massage, performed to help someone relax. While therapeutic massage is often relaxing, the end goal of the session or series of sessions is not relaxation. This type of massage is offered at a number of spas and massage studios, and many massage schools teach therapeutic techniques to their students.
Therapeutic goals can vary considerably between massage therapists and clients. In some cases, massage is recommended by a health professional and may be performed as part of a larger treatment plan. For example, someone in physical therapy for an injury might have regular therapeutic massage to loosen muscles, improve muscle tone, and increase flexibility. Likewise, therapeutic massage can be used to supplement wound care, cancer care, and a variety of other treatments.
Deep tissue massage is a type of massage therapy that focuses on realigning deeper layers of muscles and connective tissue.
It is especially helpful for chronically tense and contracted areas such as stiff necks, low back tightness, and sore shoulders.
Some of the same strokes are used as classic massage therapy, but the movement is slower and the pressure is deeper and concentrated on areas of tension and pain.
When there is chronic muscle tension or injury, there are usually adhesion (bands of painful, rigid tissue) in muscles, tendons, and ligaments.
Adhesion can block circulation and cause pain, limited movement, and inflammation.
Deep tissue massage works by physically breaking down these adhesions to relieve pain and restore normal movement. To do this, the massage therapist often uses direct deep pressure or friction applied across the grain of the muscles.
Acupuncture is about 3,000-5,000 years old, and it is time approved nature medicine.
Ancient Chinese discovered the 14 meridians with about 400 points on the human body. The meridians cover the whole body like web and also each meridian connects into the internal organ. With thousands of years experience, Chinese Medicine successfully treat many common and difficult diseases and conditions
Not really. Acupuncture Needles are very tiny, thin like hair, totally different from injection needles.
Acupuncture can help all kinds of conditions and diseases.
Acupuncture works by stimulating nerve system, strength immune system, improving blood flow, balance internal systems. and treat the roots of the problems. Traditional Chinese Medicine think acupuncture can open up the Meridians where the Qi(energy) and blood flow and balance Yin-Yang and internal functions.
It depends on how long you have the problems and how severe your problems are. If you have chronic conditions or multiple diseases, you probably need intense treatments first for a while , and follow by maintain treatment, which depends on your treatment plan.
Chinese Herbal Medicine is fully developed effective formula (multiple herbs) tested by billions of people and thousands years. A lots of classic formula from thousands years ago are still been using today worldwide. You must consult with the practitioners first to take herbs.
Yes. Children have extremely good results with acupuncture from a cold, runny nose to allergies, asthma , indegistion, ADHD , autism.